Friday, July 11, 2008

The long or short of it

In order to commemorate my birthday I am planning to share more of myself on this blog. It won’t last, just for the next week or so, while I celebrate the advent of another year of joyous/ grumpy life. I want to mark 33 with something a bit more specific rather than yet more flowery-ness about growing old(er) and accepting it, (often less than) gracefully. Been there, done that. Now that I’m creeping firmly towards the mid 30’s I need to be clearer about what this decade is going be all about and what steps I need to take to make 33 outstanding. It's a process. Have no doubt that a long and boring post will follow in about a month.

But at this time I have in my draft folder something that I wrote in one sitting yesterday evening that I wanted to publish on my birthday. It’s a long diatribe of things about me – a list of random stuff about me that most of you virtual readers do not know. But more importantly the first 33 things that came to me when I decided to make a list. It goes on forever, and I mean forever, each point verbose and elaborate. I know no other way. I am trying to decide if I should post the entire lot together or in 3 parts of 11 each over the week.

My initial inclination is together, in one long marathon post. Even though I can guarantee that most people will lose the will to live in about 1 minute. On the other hand I am tempted to declare the whole of next week as my birthday week. Apart from a yet un-taken picture of one of my many beautiful birthday gifts and this post I have nothing to write. Therefore, breaking it into 3 bits of 11 points each will give me something to do and you something new to read at least 4 out of 7 days. And you complain I never blog?!

Do I care what the virtual world thinks? Yes. Vaguely. So vote now.

1. If you think I should put the whole list up at once (even if it means you will read it and never ever venture here again) – leave me a random comment which uses the number ‘33’ in it.

2. If you think 3 parts would be gentler on your eyeballs and sensibilities, leave me a random comment which uses ‘3 by 11’ in it.

The more random and unconnected the comment is to the question in hand, the more weight your vote carries.

Voting closes midnight (UK time) on Monday night/ Tuesday morning. I shall awaken on Tuesday, 33 years old and ready to post.

I might not heed the vote. But then again I just might.


  1. Anonymous11:11 PM

    3 x 11 x 30

  2. I bought a single bedspread - it's only 3 x 11.

  3. Anonymous12:16 AM

    "I want to buy 3 orchids", she said. "Why 3? Buy 11", her girlfriend replied.

  4. Er... you actually expecting votes for the first option?!

  5. Anonymous2:23 AM

    teen batta gyarah

  6. Summer vacations are in full swing at the surgery, I saw so many tots today, atleast 11 by 3 p.m.

  7. Anonymous8:00 AM

    your nieces are taller than 3'11"

  8. The Entire List at one go please.

  9. Anonymous9:12 PM

    My office address in London reads 3-11.

    What a coincidence :D

  10. Why spread the torture? Give it to us in one shot, Babe!

  11. Anonymous11:58 PM

    I grew up in a beautiful suburb of Bombay, which had the first few high-rise buildings which were a big deal then.. We lived on the 11 floor and incidentally there were 3 flats on each floor...

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. i just saw the departed they show 33 people being killed.

  14. Anonymous5:15 AM

    I say am I the only person who is 33 and willing?

  15. Anonymous5:30 AM

    i wish i were the 33rd commentor....all of it at one go is how i like it!

  16. Rohini/ Weekend Blogger/ Dipali: So far your votes do not count. Leave me another comment following the rules if you want to stand up and be counted.

    So far the vote stands at:
    8 for 3 X 11
    3 for all 33 at one go

  17. Anonymous5:03 AM

    30in2005 is almost 3x11, Happy Birthday

  18. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Happy 3 x 11 birthday!!!

    PS. YAY! I'm the first virtual wisher!

  19. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Haaaapppyyy b'day!!! You've been blogging since 3 years now. Brilliant.

    Wishing you all the very best.

  20. broom: wrong post to wish on, but thanks.

    J: was 3 years in Jan dude! Go wish me on the right post.....
