Saturday, November 14, 2015

Saturday shenanigans

I'll be up in a few minutes, gone into my weekend. I would love nothing more than a Saturday without chores and plans and news of the world. As responsible adults however it is hard to ignore things like laundry, still unpacked boxes, haircuts, groceries, bill paying, filing. All the detritus of the week that was shoved aside for the weekend is now upon us, piles of things that need attention. And of course all that playing and family time; book reading, living room camping, pretend s'mores roasting, car marshalling, puzzle-ing , train track building, sushi lunching, lots of giggling. It sounds busy because it is busy. 

I'll be up in a few minutes, gone into my weekend. Right now I'm watching the news and sipping my coffee. I'm marvelling at how cruel the world is and how poor beautiful Paris is wounded. How for some people the world is at its end, how some children will not go home tonight, how heartbreak is the most physical of emotions. I'm thinking of the asylum seekers running from fear, wondering where their next meal will come from, whether they and their children will ever be safe again. I'm thinking of how to teach my child to be kind gentle and thoughtful in a world that seems so harsh. I'm thinking of my aunt who celebrated her birthday yesterday, bathed in grief over the loss of her beloved father a few days before. I'm thinking how everything can change in a minute and how easy it is to blame others for our problems. I'm thinking about time and place, about circumstance and our belief in changing the world. I'm thinking I should be more thankful for my mundane chores. And how I should never forget that. 

I'll be up in a few minutes, gone into my weekend. For these few minutes however I shall sit in the sunshine on a windy day and pray for peace.


  1. Anonymous6:40 PM

    love the drift-goodish looking coffee table I spy in the photo. love, love, love!

    And agree with everything on grief, harsh, gentle, kind, mundane, chores. You got it down pat.


  2. That table is one of my favourite things in our home. I'll post a picture one of these days....
