Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Love actually

Valentine's day - again. Two people near beating each other over a sorry looking bouquet of carnations at M&S. Couples on the bridge pointing at stars they've named for one another. Helium filled balloons attracted to ceilings in every corner of the mall. Delivery vans with buckets in the back holding arrangements booked well in time. 20% off the boxes of chocolate in the supermarkets which have overstocked by about 300 boxes. No chance of a seat on the water taxi home due to overcrowding by couples using it to replace the overpriced cruises they were too late to book. Full house of singletons at the 'special' comedy cafe, burdened by their singledom and boosted by a few beers. One hour waiting time for food home delivery because of the 'tables for two' rush.

Conspiracy theorists would agree that Valentine's day is a marketing gimmick thought up by greeting card & gift companies in cahoots with chocolatiers, florists and resturants.

When we were young (very, in our teens) and newly in love we fell for the hard sell and exhanged cards and tapes of love songs for a bit. Then it got old and we didn't need Valentine's day to remind each other how special our relationship was. In our minds 14th of February became the day for 'young kids' to enjoy spending their pocket money on 'future hopefuls. And also for florists to have their busiest day of the year. Our special day became a series of special days, anniversaries to mark time - of when we met, our first movie, our first date, and then when we got married, of months gone by, holidays together, years notched up. These were our Valentine's days.

So really any day is good to declare your love for someone. Don't wait in line for the overpriced flowers today. Those flowers will be welcome any day.


  1. Hhhhhhhmmmmm..... It's over.

  2. Hey you know what? Off topic, but I had to tell you. Read somewhere in the news that there was a bill passed to ban smoking in public places which includes pubs, cinemas, restaurants, etc. I think the people who passed the bill read your post about smoking ;)

  3. Huulloo... where you be at...

  4. Me, Keya & Chakra, Yes, it's over. For another year...I'm sure we'll all groan about it when it comes around next time!

    Me, Yes i know about the total ban from next year. I'd like to think my ranting sent vibes to the people in charge!

  5. Hi you've been tagged.

  6. I am surprised our impressionable Indian youth hasn't yet gotten along to majorly celebrating mother's day and father's day and the ilk. As you said correctly, there isn't a need for a special day to express your love .... unless it is the only day you express it in a year. In which case, let me know, I'll buy some Hallmark stock :-)
