Tuesday, January 31, 2012

They are coming

January has been a very busy month, in a good way. It's not an excuse and I just wanted to say I'll be more 'Diligent' in February. Of this year.

In the meanwhile, enjoy some cheese.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012


.... I didn't make any resolutions last year. Or at least none that I bothered to record on my dead weed like blog. But in years past I most certainly made and wrote about my resolutions. I'm big on resolution making. And keeping as far as I can. I find it gives me a focus and direction, much like a shopping list to get on with and tackle.

This year I have a few things on the list:

1. I am trying to be more mindful of what I eat. Not to lose weight (although my obeseness does need addressing) but just because I have lost my desire to eat meat on a regular basis. I am your original meat eater so this is a big change for me. I've been thinking of being mainly vegetarian for a while now. So this year I'm trying to be a pescatarian and up my intake of fish and avoid meat/ poultry as far as I can. I think special occasions or holidays might be the only time I veer.

2. Owning less stuff. I find that I buy a lot of things, mainly on amazon. Books predominantly, for myself, friends, my kid. But also random things like kitchen appliances or toys or foot scrub. Things that I don't need and certainly don't have place for. Our house is groaning at the seams. Any day now expect news that a house of paper and plastic crap exploded all over a London neighbourhood. I'm going for notoriety not stardom apparently. So since October I have stopped buying any more books. I'm using my library more. I sifted through my bookshelves and gave away/ sold 100 books for a £1 each. I'm watching what I buy and avoiding any toys or gadgets as we have quite enough. We sorted out cupboards and toy baskets and I'm saving my son's Christmas presents (all from friends, none from us) to be opened through the year - he got to tear off the wrapping paper which to a 2 year old IS the gift and then they got put away. This is my year of sorting sifting and being less greedy for things.

I have a few more but I'll leave them for another day. What are yours?

Monday, January 02, 2012

And so it begins

2011 sucked in many many ways; predominantly in the loss of my grandfather, two uncles and a friend whose death remains unresolved. However it had it's bright spots too, mainly watching my child's discovery of the world and the birth of beautiful babies to dear friends. Also the evenings with friends in central london eating out and my parents summer with us. Our family seaside vacation to Thailand and then our Italian break. The wonderful group of mothers in my area whose children my son plays alongside and who make exploring London just a bit easier and infinitely more interesting. V and I celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary on christmas day - a decade of life that has flashed by in the blink of an eye and ever so slowly, in many many cherished moments.

I want to revisit my resolutions from last year to see how I did but have not had a moment to do so. These next few days will be reflective while getting back into the swing of things after the mainly restful holiday period. And I do plan to blog about resolutions from last year and this. I'm self competitive like that!

We spent today with friends in their beautiful new home, stuffing our faces with every manner of Mexican delicacy. We spent the 1st of January with the same couple last year so inadvertently it's become a tradition that I hope we can continue in years to come. It's certainly a wonderful way to greet a new year - food and friends and fabulousness are a genius combination.

So while 2011 mainly sucked I have high high hopes for 2012. For what it's worth I'm hoping it really is a happy new year for us all, in every way and every day.